Biodiversity on your plate

In this section are available documents related to:

  1. CAM (Minimum Environmental Criteria) and school meals
  • The new CAM: introduction of the new CAMs for the collective catering service and food supply. (DM environment 65/2020 of 10 March 2020)
  • CAM and catering: this document aims to provide information on methodology, informative source used, the regulatory references, the market of the products, in order to offer a deeper insight of the cognitive context underlying the selected CAMs and to provide other relevant information regarding the products and service in question.
  • Guidelines for school canteens: the national guidelines for school catering start from the need to facilitate, starting from childhood, the adoption of correct eating habits for the promotion of health and the prevention of chronic-degenerative diseases (diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, obesity, osteoporosis, etc.) of which an unhealthy diet is one of the main risk factors. This document therefore stresses the importance of raising the quality level of meals in school catering, such as nutritional and sensorial quality, while maintaining the principles of food safety.
  • Criterion and requirements of the biological school canteen: the full text of the decree of the Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry policies of 18 December 2017 relating to requirements of organic school canteens (published in the Italian Official Gazzette of 5 April 2018).
  • Organic canteens IT platform: institutional decree of the IT platform of the organic canteens (D.D 39050 of 24 May 2018).
  • List of contracting authorities: list of contracting authorities and subjects thst provide the organic school canteen service updated on 30/06/2018.
  • Distribution of fund for organic school canteens: distribution of the fund pursuant to Ministerial Decree of 22/02/2018 N ° 2026 for contracting authorities and for subjects which provide the organic school canteen service, updated on 30/06/2018.
  • Action Plan for the development of biological production: communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions concerning an Action Plan for the development of organic production (19/04 / 2021).
  • Form letter for Municipalities in the implementation of CAM: letter for requesting data for application of Minimum Environmental Criteria in the technical chapters for the assignment of collective catering services. (For municipalities)


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