The meat supply chain

Almost 600 breeders with farms are registered in the three areas of intervention of GRACE. They operate within a framework that aims to ensure the possibility of grazing animals on pastures, the quality of the meat and the traceability of the entire supply chain up to the processing of the meat. The meats from pasture farming tend to be less fat and with a higher content of unsaturated fatty acids and low in saturated fatty acids, therefore with a more valid nutritional profile. Better intramuscular fat distribution is also associated with better flavour. On the dairy front, the milk of animals whose main diet is given by grass and hay enjoys a specific EU denomination as a guaranteed traditional specialty (TSG) which allows the milk-hay labelling of the product, to underline its flavour and nutritional values .

Pasture animal husbandry is therefore the subject of great reconsideration both in terms of recognition through support and promotion policies and from a consumption point of view, appreciating its nutritional value.

The environmental and nutritional added value associated with animal production obtained on pastures presents a valuable opportunity to the GRACE project to facilitate the involvement of the supply chain realities, from production to marketing, starting with a showcase for livestock products from raised livestock in the three Natura 2000 areas of Lazio.

In a short supply chain these advantages can be maximized for the citizen and the consumer, guaranteeing transparency and certainty of the origin of the product, sobriety with the reduction of transportation and transactions and, last but not least, the opportunity to know the history of the food we eat.

In these pages GRACE will collect and represent the diversity of livestock productions that take place in Natura 2000 areas in which it operates, and will promote their characteristics by visualizing  the location of the producers who sell the products directly or through commercial channels of which they are protagonists.

In fact, this area of the website wants to provide a sustainability identity to these productions by promoting understanding of the breeding and processing systems that allow them to be released for consumption. GRACE particularly promotes direct marketing systems and short supply chains, as well as the adoption of products with high environmental and territorial value in public canteens: Solidarity Purchase Groups (GAS) as well as Public Administrations can consult this website section to identify the supplies at offer. Similarly, contacts are indicated to acquire information relating to the volumes available, the prices, the methods of supply and any other useful information to bring Natura 2000 products to the tables of consumers or customers.

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