Who are meat consumers and how can they reduce their environmental impact? Above all, are they interested in improving their ecological footprint?
One of the aims of the LIFE Grace project is understanding how much and how Italian consumers are willing to adopt their habits regarding meat.
We know that recently there has been a trend towards reducing the consumption of meat either for ethical or for health reasons, notwithstanding the validity of these decisions.
The fact that the meat supply chains is removed from the daily city life has meant that we tend to ignore the relationship between a pasture and the purchased breaded cutlet. It is not unusual during children’s visit to educational farms, they show surprise when they see a cow, a pig or a sheep: a proof of the cultural distance that exists between "consumers" and the meat supply chain itself.
The conscious consumer is able to reconnect these relationships and consequently to make responsible choices, when. buying something. Recently also considerations on the environmental and ethical impact play a role. Concerns about land consumption, water consumption, greenhouse gas production, animal welfare and even vegetarian and vegan choices are gradually changing the identikit of the Italian consumer.
LIFE Grace adds a new ingredient to this algorithm, namely that of identifying a way of increasing animal husbandry that is not only sustainable but that has a positive impact on the nature conservation strategy. A pioneering concept that is almost absent in the culture of the average meat consumer.
Introducing the consumer to this "new" option means building new market opportunities and changing breeding strategies for the benefit of both farmers and nature.
The consumer then goes from being an unconscious market factor to a critical factor in favour of nature conservation.
Italians at the table: what is changing: research carried out by Censis in 2016, which offers a picture of the diet of Italians and social inequalities at the table in the period 2007-2015. The diet of Italians and the consumption of meat are very effective key to tell how Italian society has changed and above all how it is changing.
Scenarios and perspectives of the meat supply chain: Censis survey updated to 2022, relating to the vision of Italian consumers on meat consumption, perspectives and challenges of the poultry and pork sectors, sustainability and raw materials.
To offer the consumer an overall vision of nature and typical products of the territory, LIFE Grace has identified 15 paths within the 3 Natura 2000 areas of the project (the Tolfa Mountains to the west, the Reatini Mountains to the north and the Ausoni-Aurunci Mountains to the south) through which it is possible to rediscover the beauty and richness of nature and at the same time some typical products of these areas and some traditional dishes, to be enjoyed in a restaurant or prepared at home. The paths are summarized in a pocket z-card, a map the size of an A4 sheet, which you can download or even print yourself to take with you on excursions.
On the card you will also find a QR Code, through which you can view and download, wherever you are, the guide that describes the 15 nature trails, inspired by the CAI walkways and not only, and 15 gastronomic proposals including typical local dishes, preparations or products of the three areas. Furthermore, there is an initial chapter with brief descriptions of the habitats and a final one with addresses and links of the various companies that have joined the Grace network from which you can buy or eat local products.
Click here to download the LIFE Grace Guide.