Martedì 21 gennaio 2025, presso la sede del GAL (Gruppo di Azione Locale) Castelli Romani e Monti Prenestini, si terrà un incontro dedicato alla refezione scolastica organizzato dal GAL stesso, in collaborazione con ARSIAL e FIRAB, partner GRACE.
L’11 dicembre 2024 si è tenuto a Firenze il Convegno Nazionale Verso la nuova pastorizia: le scuole, gli attori e le strategie – declinazioni contemporanee di un antico mestiere, organizzato da CREA (Consiglio per la ricerca in agricoltura e l’analisi dell’economia agraria) e Rete Rurale nazionale, con la Regione Toscana.
È uscito il bando per l’intervento SRC01 “Pagamento compensativo zone agricole Natura 2000” del CSR del Piano Strategico Nazionale PAC 2023-2027 per la Regione Lazio.
Per i piccoli allevatori coinvolti nel progetto Grace, l’accesso ai finanziamenti legati alla PAC è un aiuto importante per continuare a gestire la propria attività, garantendo la produzione sostenibile di alimenti di qualità e la conservazione degli habitat di prateria semi-naturale su cui avviene il pascolamento.
Breeders working in the LIFE Grace SPAs can contribute to field data collection thanks to a simplified monitoring protocol developed by the La Sapienza University’s Department of Environmental Biology (DEB).
On 22nd October 2024, ARSIAL and DEB, two LIFE Grace partners, met with representatives of the “Aurunci and Valle dei Santi” GAL association, at their headquarters (Esperia Municipality – FR). The President of the association and mayors and technicians from GAL Municipalities took part in the event, together with eight breeders from the Appia Network.
Il 13 novembre, presso Casa Marango (Poggio Bellavista, Santa Marinella – RM), si terrà un evento dedicato alla Maremmana, alle sfide dell’allevamento di questa razza all’interno di aree estensive e alle opportunità di valorizzazione.
Il 25 ottobre 2024 si è svolto, nella sede della Riserva Naturale Regionale “Selva del Lamone”, a Farnese, l’incontro territoriale sugli adempimenti del nuovo sistema di identificazione e registrazione della Banca Dati Nazionale dell'Anagrafe Zootecnica (BDN) e sul sistema Classyfarm.
On 19th October, a seminar titled “Ethical pastures, animal welfare and product quality – Ideas for a new local food supply chain” took place at Palazzo Giustino Ferri in Picinisco (FR).
Dopo il primo incontro avvenuto in aprile, venerdì 25 ottobre alle ore 10 si terrà un secondo incontro territoriale sugli adempimenti del sistema di identificazione e registrazione della Banca Dati Nazionale dell’anagrafe zootecnica.
On Sunday 30th June 2024, Pastorizia in Festival, a festival dedicated to traditional breeding practices, organized the “Sui Passi del Pastore” (“In the Shepherd’s Footsteps”) day trip, in collaboration with LIFE Grace’s beneficiary ARSIAL.
Ultima puntata della rubrica settimanale i “Testimonial LIFE Grace” per dare voce ad allevatori, docenti, nutrizionisti ecc sui temi dell’allevamento biologico, pascolo estensivo, valorizzazione del territorio, delle razze autoctone e prodotti locali.
𝗗𝗼𝗺𝗲𝗻𝗶𝗰𝗮 𝟯𝟬 𝗴𝗶𝘂𝗴𝗻𝗼 • “𝗦𝘂𝗶 𝗽𝗮𝘀𝘀𝗶 𝗱𝗲𝗹 𝗣𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗼𝗿𝗲” 𝑛𝑒𝑙 𝑃𝑎𝑟𝑐𝑜 𝑁𝑎𝑧𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑎𝑙𝑒 𝐷’𝐴𝑏𝑟𝑢𝑧𝑧𝑜 𝐿𝑎𝑧𝑖𝑜 𝑒 𝑀𝑜𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑒
Il ruolo degli allevatori per la conservazione degli habitat di prateria nelle Aree Natura 2000 del versante laziale del PNALM. Storica e suggestiva passeggiata insieme al pastore e al suo gregge, tra i sentieri della transumanza nel Parco Nazionale d’Abruzzo, Lazio e Molise.
Consegnati agli studenti del serale dell’Istituto di istruzione superiore San Benedetto di Latina, indirizzo enogastronomia, gli attestati di partecipazione al Progetto Life GRACE
Nuova puntata della rubrica settimanale i “Testimonial LIFE Grace” per dare voce ad allevatori, docenti, nutrizionisti ecc sui temi dell’allevamento biologico, pascolo estensivo, valorizzazione del territorio, delle razze autoctone e prodotti locali.
Nuova puntata della rubrica settimanale i “Testimonial LIFE Grace” per dare voce ad allevatori, docenti, nutrizionisti ecc sui temi dell’allevamento biologico, pascolo estensivo, valorizzazione del territorio, delle razze autoctone e prodotti locali.
Nuova puntata della rubrica settimanale i “Testimonial LIFE Grace” per dare voce ad allevatori, docenti, nutrizionisti ecc sui temi dell’allevamento biologico, pascolo estensivo, valorizzazione del territorio, delle razze autoctone e prodotti locali.
Nuova puntata della rubrica settimanale i “Testimonial LIFE Grace” per dare voce ad allevatori, docenti, nutrizionisti ecc sui temi dell’allevamento biologico, pascolo estensivo, valorizzazione del territorio, delle razze autoctone e prodotti locali.
Following the positive feedback at the AgriUmbria fair, LIFE Grace project will travel this Sunday to the 37th edition of the Campoverde National Agricultural Fair ( ).
- Attachments:
Nuova puntata della rubrica settimanale i “Testimonial LIFE Grace” per dare voce ad allevatori, docenti, nutrizionisti ecc sui temi dell’allevamento biologico, pascolo estensivo, valorizzazione del territorio, delle razze autoctone e prodotti locali.🐂🌱
LIFE Grace with Alba Pietromarchi, expert researcher in the supply chain for FIRAB, was a guest on TELEREGIONE in the program WORK AND NOT ONLY, broadcast on 16 April 2024 and dedicated to the profession of the breeder.
On Tuesday 23 April, between 10.30 a.m to 1.00 p.m the first territorial meeting dedicated to the obligations of the new identification and registration (I&R) system of the BDN (EU Reg. 2017/625 and Legislative Decree 134/2022) will take place in Rome, at the ARSIAL headquarters.
Incontro assai interessante quello dello scorso 7 aprile alla fiera AgriUmbria a Bastia Umbra, organizzato dal capofila di LIFE Grace, Arsial, che è riuscito a creare una connessione fra progetti diversi ma con molte affinità, capaci insieme di creare sinergie favorevoli alla conservazione delle aree di pascolo dei siti Natura 2000.
Nuova puntata della rubrica settimanale i “Testimonial LIFE Grace” per dare voce ad allevatori, docenti, nutrizionisti ecc sui temi dell’allevamento biologico, pascolo estensivo, valorizzazione del territorio, delle razze autoctone e prodotti locali.
The LIFE Grace project is going on the road to the AgriUmbria fair (, which will be held at the Umbriafiere (Bastia Umbra) from April 5 to 7, 2024, to build a bridge of experiences and proposals with other Italian breeders.
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Una nuova puntata della rubrica settimanale i “Testimonial LIFE Grace” per dare voce ad allevatori, docenti, nutrizionisti ecc. sui temi dell’allevamento biologico, pascolo estensivo, valorizzazione del territorio, delle razze autoctone e prodotti locali.
"One grazing suckler bovine ensures the conservation of two hectares of grassland habitat.
Within the Monti Reatini, a mountain system resting within the central-western Appenines, lies a valuable grassland habitat spanning between 650 and 1500 metres above the sea level.
Lazio is the first region in Italy in terms of number of cattle farms and the sixth in terms of size.
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Eccoci tornati con una nuova puntata della rubrica settimanale i “Testimonial LIFE Grace” per dare voce ad allevatori, docenti, nutrizionisti ecc. sui temi dell’allevamento biologico, pascolo estensivo, valorizzazione del territorio, delle razze autoctone e prodotti locali.
Life Grace will be present at the Workshop "Mountain animal husbandry as a tool for biodiversity conservation: Good Practices, Criticalities and Perspectives", organised by the LIFE ShepForBio project, which will be held on March 1, at the Fortezza di Monte Alfonso (Castelnuovo Garfagnana, Lucca).
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Sei un Comune o un'Università Agraria e vuoi realizzare interventi idonei alla gestione e conservazione degli habitat di prateria secondaria di interesse comunitario 6210(*), 6220* o 6230*?
Next Wednesday, January 24, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., at the Campagna Amica Market in Latina, Via Don Minzoni 1, will conclude the three-day local event dedicated to the quality of meat from livestock systems focused on grazing in the territories of the Lazio Region.
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The new year has just begun and there are many new features from the LIFE Grace project.
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Ultima puntata per il 2023 della rubrica settimanale i “Testimonial LIFE Grace” per dare voce ad allevatori, docenti, nutrizionisti ecc sui temi dell’allevamento biologico, pascolo estensivo, valorizzazione del territorio, delle razze autoctone e prodotti locali.
The cycle of meeting with the Agronomy Orders ends. The last stop of the year is in Monte Romano.
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Nuova puntata della rubrica settimanale i “Testimonial LIFE Grace” per dare voce ad allevatori, docenti, nutrizionisti ecc. sui temi dell’allevamento biologico, pascolo estensivo, valorizzazione del territorio, delle razze autoctone e prodotti locali.
The cycle of meeting with the Agronomy Orders continues. The third stop is Rome.
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On Friday 20 October, between 3.00 p.m to 6.00 p.m, the second seminar entitled “Gli habitat di prateria: matrici della biodiversità naturalistica e della biodiversità di interesse agrario del Lazio” will be held in Anagni at the Sala della Regione in City of Anagni.
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Dopo la pausa estiva, venerdì 13 ottobre dalle ore 15.00 alle ore 18.00 si svolgerà a Rieti, presso la sede dell’ODAF Rieti a Palazzo Dosi in Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II, il seminario intitolato “Gli habitat di prateria: matrici della biodiversità naturalistica e della biodiversità di interesse agrario del Lazio”.
A survey aimed at breeders or other entities in the extensive zootechnical sector of Lazio is online.
On June 19, the Forum "Catering lesson in Rome" was held on the theme of catering and for the development of continuous training for operators, organized by Visioneroma.
On June 15, LIFE Grace was presented during the initiative entitled "Water emergency: a common path for the rural system and agriculture. Cooperation and player research needed to win the challenge”. The initiative was promoted by Legacoop Lazio and took place at Palazzo Caetani in Fondi.
LIFE Grace project was selected by the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security as the LIFE project of the month of May and featured prominently on the Ministry's website, both in the Project of the Month section and in the news section of the MASE homepage.
On Sunday 18 June, on the occasion of the WWF Italy Oasis Day and the Organic Farming Day, a guided tour will be promoted by the WWF at the Lago Secco Oasis in Accumoli (RI), located in a Natura 2000 site and within the Gran Sasso and Monti della Laga National Park.
As part of action B3 of the project, 5 simplified monitoring protocols were implemented for monitoring the evolution of the three target habitats, 6210(*), 6220* and 6230*: one protocol for each of the three habitats, plus two specific protocols aimed at monitoring the main pressures and threats to habitats.
On Friday 17 March, LIFE Grace will be a guest at the final conference of the LIFE PASTORAL project, which will be held in Forte di Bard in Valle d'Aosta.
On February 23, between 3.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m the second ‘World Cafè’ of 2023 will be held at Polo Culturale di Tolfa.
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As part of the LIFE Grace project, the training course on augmented photo-interpretation using the "Collect Earth" software recently took place at the Botanical Garden of Rome.
On January 12, at 10.00 a.m. the first ‘World Cafè’ of 2023 will be held at Catering School IPSOEA Celletti of Formia.
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Nell’ambito dell’azione D3 del progetto LIFE Grace sono stati prodotti i volantini di progetto.
Next December 12, on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the European LIFE Programme and the Habitats Directive, from 1 pm to 5.30 pm, at the Botanical Garden Museum of Rome (Sala dell'Arancera, Largo Cristina di Svezia, 23 - RM), the conference «LIFE, “Habitats” Directive and Natura 2000 Network.
LIFE Grace will be a guest on Thursday 3 November, starting at 9 am in Santa Sofia (FC) at the initial conference of the LIFE ShepForBio project.
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On Monday 17 October from 10.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. and in the afternoon from 2.00 p.m. to 4.30 p.m., a one full day of exchange on the issues of grazing and grass-fed breeding in the Apennine area, will take place in Florence at the Agricultural School of the University of Florence.
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On October 7, Confagricoltura Frosinone held the conference "COLTIVIAMO IL CAMBIAMENTO (Breed change)" from marginality to multifunctionality, sustainable development of Frosinone agriculture", organized by Confagricoltura Frosinone.
On August 3, Confagricoltura Frosinone held the provincial general assembly "COLTIVIAMO IL CAMBIAMENTO (Breed change)" best practice to tackle climate change in disadvantaged areas".
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Within the series of meetings “Diritti, sviluppo e ruralità: la forza collettiva delle donne”(Rights, development and rurality: the collective strength of women), Rete Rurale in collaboration with CREA-Centre for research on Policies and Bioeconomy organised an opening meeting entitled “Sviluppo, ruralità e diritti: questioni di genere” (Development, rurality and rights: gender issues, which took place in Alvito (FR) on 19 – 20 July 2022.
ARSIAL in collaboration with the Department of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences of the University of Tuscia, as part of sub-measure 10.2.1 of the RDP, has carried out a study to evaluate the contribution of the feeding behavior of the Esperia Pony in plant communities of Ampelodesma in the prevention of fires on the Ausoni-Aurunci mountains in southern Lazio.
The call for applications for the experimental course “Training and accompaniment for young herders”
The Call for a free experimental course for selecting and training 15 participants on the topic of sustainable agriculture practices for grazing management is active. The goal is to experiment with innovative job placement initiatives and accompaniment to companies in the agri-pastoral sector in inland and mountain areas.
On June 30, an evening appointment for the third and last World Cafè will be organised as part of the LIFE Grace project.
On June 28, from 11.30 a.m to 1.00 p.m, LIFE Grace in collaboration with ANCI Lazio organise an online webinar on Minimum Environmental Criteria (CAM).
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On June 13, the second ‘World Cafè’ of the LIFE Grace project will be held at the Cooperativa di Testa di Lepre, Fiumicino (RM) at 10.30 a.m.
The second monitoring visit by the European Commission of the LIFE Grace project took place on May 25-26 with Iva Rossi, the monitor and the participation of all project partners (Arsial, DEB, Green Factor, Firab, and Comunità Ambiente).
The LIFE Grace project was presented by Comunità Ambiente during the first workshop organized by Landcare Europe, which took place in Milan from 27 to 29 April 2022. Landcare Europe is a network that promotes biodiversity, resilient ecosystems, land management in Natura 2000 areas and quality of life in natural environments and artificial landscapes.
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Within the project LIFE Grace, on May 3, the first ‘World Cafè’ will be held at Itri at 6.00 p.m. The meeting will be attended both remotely and in presence by some breeders and farmers from the Ausoni and Aurunci territories and some meat supply chain players.
On the morning of April 8, in the city of Formia, a inter-municipal table for the prevention of forest fires on the Aurunci and Ventotene mountains took place.
As part of action D1 of the LIFE Grace project, despite the difficulties due to Covid-19 in delivery and positioning, the placement of the 12 information panels is about to be completed.
Lo scorso 16 marzo si è tenuto il Platform Meeting “Una Priorità per l’Europa: investire nella protezione e nel ripristino della Natura” durante il quale è stato presentato anche il progetto LIFE Grace.
The “Livestock Environment Opendata (LEO) Project” has developed a single Italian national livestock digital database. The leader of the project is the Italian Breeders Association (AIA) and the partners include research bodies, database institutes, animal health and hygiene institutes for livestock production and an IT company.
Within the Compraverde Buygreen Forum, which took place in Rome from 6 to 8 October 2021
In view of the forthcoming COP2020 in Glasgow, professor Fabio Attore of University of Rome La Sapienza-Department of Environmental Biology and partner of LIFE Grace’s project underlines in an article for an online newspaper “Huffpost” the importance of restoring and safeguarding grassland through the extensive and traditional pastoral activities.
After the summer break, there is a resumption of the meetings of the European project LIFE Grace that aims to enhance extensive animal husbandry in semi-natural areas, where there are rare or endangered animal and plant species.
A document drafted by WWF stresses the connection between extensive farming and biodiversity conservation strategy.
Start a concret collaboration between breeders, mayors, representatives of the Lazio Region and partners of the LIFE Grace project, in order to contribute to a better conservation status of grazing areas in regional Natura 2000 network.
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On July 14 and 21 the partners of the LIFE Grace project will present the project to the breeders of the Rieti area.
On June 15, at 5.30 pm, the partners of the LIFE Grace project will meet the local farmers at the municipal theatre of Monte Romano (VT).
Online event organized by ELO (European Landowners' Organization)
Date: Tuesday 22 June 2021 TIME: 16.00 - 18.00
FFA (Forum for the future of agricolture) will host in Santarém (Portugal) and on the FFA2021 virtual platform the "1st Farming Biodiversity Summit".
Date: Thursaday, May 27, 2021 Time: 11:00 - 14:00 CET
Over the past 70 years, intensive livestock farming in Europe has caused significant damage to the environment and it has produced poor quality food.
On the occasion of the European day of the Natura 2000 Network (21st of May), a meeting will take place between the representatives of the LIFE Grace project and Iacopo Sinibaldi of the Regional Parks Agency of the Lazio region, the managing body of the Natura 2000 sites in which the project activities will be carried out.