LIFE programme

The LIFE GRACE project (LIFE19 GIE / IT / 000977 GRAsslands Conservation Efforts through usage) is co-funded by the LIFE programme. Established in 1992 the LIFE programme is the EU key financial instrument for the environment,including the protection of nature and biodiversity , through the co-financing of projects of community value and importance. The co-financed projects so far are over 5,000 and have a duration from 3 to 6 years, and according to the type of projects presented; the co-financing rate can vary between 55% and 75%.

The LIFE programme is made up of two major sub-programs, the environment and the climate action, and each of them is subdivided into 3 other priority areas. In detail, the environment sub-program finances projects on nature conservation, in particular in the areas of biodiversity, habitats and species, contributing to the implementation of Directive 79/409 / EEC "Birds" and Directive 92/43 / EEC "Habitat", the EU strategy for biodiversity and the implementation and management of the Natura 2000 network. While the sub-program for climate action allows the funding of projects aimed at developing new methods and approaches to cope the challenges of climate change in Europe.

Useful links:

European Commission -European Climate Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency - LIFE Programme

LIFE Nature and Biodiversity

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