
In this section it is possible to find links and documents useful for grazing management.

- Mipaf Decree 12/08/2021: the decree defines the criteria for the recognition of the state of abandonment of agro-pastoral activities in order to promote the restoration of pre-existing agricultural and pastoral activities, and at the same time encourge the conservation of biodiversity and the quality of the landscape.

- Conservation measures SPA DGR 612 16/12/011: General conservation measures, valid for all Special Protection Areas (SPAs), and specific conservation measures for single types of SPA (DGR n. 612/2011).

- SACs project area measures: Site-specific Conservation Objectives and Measures in force for the 15 Special Conservation Areas (SACs) falling within the 3 project SPAs and in which the 3 target habitats are present. (DDGGRR nos. 158, 159, 160, 161 and 162 of 2016).

- PAF DGR Lazio: PAF of the Lazio region, the Framework of Priority Actions for the regional Natura 2000 network for the period 2021-2027. Section E.2.4 Grass formations identifies the priority measures and the related costs to maintain or restore a satisfactory conservation status for the target habitats of the project (6210, 6220, 6230) at the regional level.

- EU action plan for the development of organic production: the plan adopted by the European Commission to increase the production and consumption of organic products, and reach the goal, by 2030, of allocating 25% of agricultural land to organic farming.

-Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on nature restoration: the objective of the proposed Regulation is to contribute to recovery of biodiverse and resilient nature across the Union’s land and sea areas and to contribute to achieving Union climate mitigation and climate adaptation objectives.

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